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The Origin of Antique Architectural Design

As the name implies, the source of archaize architecture should be ancient architecture. Archaize architecture is to imitate the form of ancient architecture, extract some distinctive features of ancient architecture, and thus show the historical culture and social style of the period in which the architecture is located. The process of antique architectural design is not simple imitation, but to find the most important elements in ancient architecture, and then organically combine with modern decoration technology to form a new technological process. China is a country with a long history and culture, and the number of dynasties is also relatively high. In this process, the cultural expression of traditional buildings in China is stronger and the cultural connotation is deeper. For architectural design, this is a very rich antique architecture, which mainly imitates the architecture of the Tang, Song, Ming and Qing dynasties. The formation of architectural style will be affected by the following aspects. First of all, after the first Opium War, western architects took a strong interest in Chinese traditional architecture, and added Chinese traditional architectural forms to the basis of western architecture, such as the use of bucket arch forms in architectural decoration, creating new Chinese traditional architecture. Then, in an open period, the rapid development of economy has led to the development of architecture, and post-modernism has influenced the world. A large number of traditional buildings have been destroyed, the blind worship of Western-style buildings and the stylization of styles have made the city as simple as copying and pasting. Beijing Ancient Architecture Design Company

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